Finished the last section. Tell me what you think of it. 
I finished this section now.  Tell me what you think.  Let me know if I forgot to include anything. 
I am done with my literature page. Let me know if my thoughts are clear. I had a hard time writing this one and getting everything to make sense. Thanks!
My readability page is done. Let me know what you think and if my paragraphs make sense and if I have everything there.
My text features page is done. What do you think of it?
Web of Information is done. How does it look?
My standards page is done. Tell me what you think!
How does my first page look? Should I add anything or take anything out or change something on it?  Let me know.

    Amanda Kirkpatrick

    I am a Junior at the University of Akron and I am studying Early Childhood Intervention Specialist. I would like to teach preschool or kindergarten that have special needs.  I love working with kids. I love spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend.  What I really like to do is to spend time outside and it can be anything, but I really like running, hiking, walking, and swimming. 


    November 2013
    October 2013
    September 2013

